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Cordwainer Ward
Key:   Current observations and notes  Holmes (1897)     Other sources     Maps


Existing grounds
St. Mary Aldermary, Watling Street.
Paved courtyard in front of church.

St. Mary le Bow  
2002 Roadway with small garden, statuary, etc. The crypt, once full of mouldering coffins, is now a vegetarian café - the lentil soup is excellent. 
Warehouses and street full of vans, called Bow Churchyard. (Holmes)

Bow churchyard

Lost grounds
Additional Ground, Hosier Lane. (Now Bow Lane.) This was immediately to the south of the church. Built on about 1560.

St. Antholin, Watling Street.- 
Wren church demolished 1875. No trace. (Not far from the reconstructed Temple of Mithras). Human remains removed to Brookwood. 
Very little left except one great vault. (Holmes)